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Weekly wrap - 11

11 - 17 October, 2021

It has been 'one of those weeks'...

I have found myself a little short of time, and having a couple off days in front of the sewing machine was well over due. Therefore, this wrap is unfortunately, a little brief compared to normal.

But I hope to make up for it next week!

What I have managed to read and wrap up this week is an article on shifting from 'fashion' to 'clothes', and the new wave of dedicated sustainable retailers. I have also included a link to a report on misperceptions regarding cotton, which I am slowly working my way through. I hope to include a summary of this report next week.


Take a read

Have you ever avoided saying the word “fashion” when describing the industry that you work, or are interested in, instead opting for words or phrases like “clothing and textiles”?

I am guilty of this, and quite recently! I have been met with some interesting responses (and looks for that matter) when I have said that I worked in fashion. I have even referred to my undergraduate degree by its broader title 'Design', avoiding its specification of Fashion. This doesn’t come from a place of shame, but in some instances, and to particular audiences, it can be easier, and may mean I am taken more seriously. Especially in the context of a discipline like psychology.

Given this, it was interesting to read the Euronews article Why we need to stop saying fashion and start saying clothe, which focuses on the language we use to describe our clothing. The article posits that the use of the word 'fashion' creates a sense of divide in that despite the fact that we all wear clothes, many individuals find it difficult find their place in 'fashion'.

The Vogue article Sustainable retail’s new guard examines the new wave of dedicated sustainable retailers that are popping up across London. One such brand is Know the Origin, which I stumbled across while living in London a few years back. As the article points out, they stock over 200 brands, all of which are required to meet a number of sustainability standards.

It is retailers like these that are helping to raise standards and awareness within the industry, while also

educating and providing positive competition for mainstream retailers.

The interesting conumdrum these brands face is how they will demonstrate sustainability while still promoting consumerism.

What dedicated sustainable retailers do you know of?

I had never heard of Transformers Foundations, or the work that they do. My attention was drawn to The Biggest Myths About Cotton… And What The Real Situation Is report via the Fashion Revolution Instagram account.

I am slowly working my way through this 137 page report, which focuses on busting 4 key myths surrounding cotton, from its relationship with the environment and cotton farmers, to its usage of water and pesticides.

From what I have read so far, I can tell you that it is an eyeopener! I hope to include a wrap up of they key findings next week.


Please GET IN TOUCH or leave me a comment. I would love to know what you have been reading, listening or watching this week.

Emma xx


This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions contained on this site are my own. I am not affiliated with any brands, products, or organisations mentioned, and do not receive any sponsorship, payment, or other compensation for any of the content on this site.


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