29 November - 5 December, 2021
Unfortunately I missed last weeks weekly wrap. I simply needed a break.
But I am back with a renewed focus, and excitement about the holiday season (whatever it may bring this year). The snow has arrived here in Munich, I have my Christmas tree up, Christmas carols on repeat, and (hopefully) a trip away over the coming weeks.
This weekly wrap has again managed to centre on climate change, and the aftermath of COP26 in relation to the fashion industry. The recommended reading I have selected takes a look at what the fashion industry should be doing now that COP26 is over, before delving into fashion's contribution to deforestation. I have also suggested a podcast that unpacks some of fashion's biggest issues, and how the field of psychology can play a role.
Take a listen

Crash Course Fashion was a new podcast for me this week. I tuned into the latest episode 'Why the Psychology of Human Behavior is Key to Enabling Customer Participation in the Circular Economy' with 'For Days' Founder Kristy Caylor.
Sustainable Fashion Forum founder Brittany Sierra is in discussion with Kristy Caylor, an industry vet, and founder of zero waste, circular fashion brand For Days. The episode unpicks some of the biggest issues facing the fashion industry, from overproduction and overconsumption,
climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. The episode also touches on psychology's role in changing people’s relationship with clothing, identifying the real drivers for over-consumption, and how we can address it.
It is also apparent that Kristy Caylor comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience, and her take on how she used consumer psychology to encourage individuals to shop sustainably with her own brand is really interesting. She describes how her brand has shifted the focus from consumer to user, ownership to access, and manages to incentivise individuals, rewarding the right behaviour.
Take a read
What is the fashion industry doing now that COP26 is over? How is the industry going to do better on the sustainability front, and be more transparent when it comes to their supply chains?
The Guardian articles ‘Brands have been getting away with murder’: Stella McCartney and leading fashion figures on the fallout of Cop26 describes how the likes of Stella McCartney, and other leading figures from the fashion industry would like the industry to look. There is a growing consensus that there needs to be a renewed focus and shared goal of working towards the implementation of legally binding commitments to address the industry’s social and environmental impacts. This means legislation and incentives. According to Stella McCartney it is this lack of mandate that is “why brands have been getting away with murder and we are in the critical state we are in”.
For more on regulation within the fashion industry, I recommend also taking a read of The Fashion Law's Is the Tide Changing for the Fashion Industry’s Regulatory Environment?
Fashion’s sustainability agenda: Where to start from Vogue Business is a good follow up to the previous article, sharing expert opinions and advice on how fashion can essentially be more sustainable and reduce its contribution to climate change (and now). See below for a list of some of the actions mentioned in the article that brands can adopt.
Produce less: Address the issue of overproduction - a major contributor to the industry’s carbon, water and waste footprint. In order to achieve this, there needs to be a collective shift in the model away from relying on volume in order to achieve economic growth, instead focusing on engaging and encouraging longevity, reducing seasons, and eliminating waste in design.
Scale renewable energy in the supply chain: Transition to clean energy through incentivising suppliers, and working with other brands.
Reform raw materials: Reduce the reliance on new raw materials, prioritising fabric innovations, and the use of waste materials. This step also includes investment in better agriculture, such as organic and regenerative farming, and shifting away from synthetics in order reduce emission and working towards circularity.
Communication: Putting an end to greenwashing, improving education, and providing more positive messaging.
End of life: Brands need to take responsibility for products beyond the point of sale.
Ever considered the fashion industry's relationship with deforestation?
This week I stumbled across The Guardian article New study links major fashion brands to Amazon deforestation, an interesting (but scary) high level look into the complex nature of supply chains, and the impact of leather and leather goods.
Coming up
A new report released by Stand.earth, “Nowhere to Hide: How the Fashion industry is linked to Amazon Rainforest Destruction”, examines possible brand connections with deforestation of the Amazon.
I hope to delve a little deeper into this report in next weeks wrap.
Please GET IN TOUCH or leave me a comment. I would love to know what you have been reading, watching, or listening to this week.
Emma xx
This is a personal blog. Any views or opinions contained on this site are my own. I am not affiliated with any brands, products, or organisations mentioned, and do not receive any sponsorship, payment, or other compensation for any of the content on this site.